Bladder tumor

« The symptoms began in June of 2007 (primarily bleeding and clots in the urine) and an ultrasound determined there was a bladder tumor. As our primary care physician was a Naturopathic MD and my husband was completely philosophically opposed to an allopathic approach and treatment, we decided to work with her and jointly approach a healing process. Fairly early on, our ND suggested 714X as a possibility in my husband’s treatment regimen and loaned us the Video to watch, but we were hesitant initially, not understanding quite how it all worked and - at this stage - not quite sure what we were up against with the cancer diagnosis. So, we worked with a lot of different treatment modalities with our ND, and succeeded in slowing the growth of the tumor, but it did slowly increase in size. It was a delicate balance to address the underlying infection and toxins we were certain were at the root of the problem, prevent the tumor from growing too quickly while we addressed that underlying issue, and keeping the bleeding under control. An episode of rapid and fairly sudden blood loss in August of 2008 required an Emergency Room visit and overnight hospital stay to administer a transfusion of 4 units of blood. After this, treatment with our ND continued, as well as other changes we knew in our hearts and minds were necessary in our lives, if healing was to be achieved.

Fast-forward to May of 2010 - a relatively long period of mild to moderate to severe blood loss left my husband weak and very debilitated, so we wound up in the Emergency Room again. This time, he’d reached a point where the medical personnel were concerned about the strain the blood loss was having on his heart and he was admitted to the ICU. The blood transfusions were begun almost immediately. The CT scan done there showed the tumor that we knew was there, but only one (a previous scan had indicated there was another, smaller one on the bladder wall, as well) - it was blocking the right kidney ureter .

They recommended flushing the bladder to clear out the clots, doing a cystoscopy, and, whilst there, surgically removing the tumor basically by cauterizing it (no cutting). Weak, a little "fogbound" and a little overwhelmed, my husband initially was not in favor of the procedure, but we gave it a lot of thought overnight and by morning consented. The Urologist was not sure he could remove the entire tumor, as it was large enough to stretch the limits of this procedure. It’s difficult to describe the relief that washed over me when the Urologist told me he "got it all" - another step of hope forward. Unfortunately, the oncology report indicated the cancer had penetrated the bladder wall - it was in the muscle tissue. A stent was left in place to the right ureter. Two nights in the ICU, one night in a regular room, loads of flushing, one surgery and 6 units of blood later, we went home.

Just before this trip to the hospital, we had determined we needed to try the 714X as our ND recommended, and had ordered it. We started it as soon as it arrived in the mail about a week after being released from the hospital . A short time after the hospital stay, we had a consultation with the Urologist and his prognosis was not good - in fact, it was pretty depressing. He recommended a removal of the bladder and prostate and a "bag". He said that there was a 50% chance that the cancer had already metasticized to somewhere else in the body. It was the only "treatment" the Urologist suggested and my husband declined it. The Urologist said he would monitor the progress and recommended another cystoscopy and removal of the stent 3 months later - in August. It wound up being the same day as the end of Round 4 of 714X. The cystoscopy showed some spots that the Urologist identified as being cancer-related; he said this was what he expected, although he thought he’d find more of those "spots" than he did. Kidney function, thankfully, was basically back to normal. The Urologist suggested another cystoscopy in 3 months - in November - one day into Round 9.

At this time he could find only one tiny tumor, which he removed immediately using the cauterization technique he’d used with such success in the hospital - this time in his office. He took a long time looking around with the scope and was amazed that there was no other evidence of the cancer to be seen in the bladder. He said he couldn’t believe it was the same bladder he was looking at and even went so far as to say things like, "Once in a career does one see something like this!" (oddly, his notes do not express this exuberant surprise). The oncology report determined it was the same type of cancer, but this time had not penetrated the bladder wall. We were very happy with the results and cautiously optimistic about the progress.
As recommended, we returned again in February - and to our delight and the Urologist’s continued surprise, there was only scarring on the bladder wall from the surgery and no other evidence of the cancer visible in the cystoscopy. He told us to keep doing whatever we’re doing and to come back in 3-4 months. After completing 10 Rounds of 714X, my husband took a short break, but resumed with the 3 recommended consecutive Rounds at the end of April. Several days into Round 2 of those 3, my husband had another cystoscopy; this time a tiny, 6 mm papillary tumor was discovered on the opposite side to the original mass on the bladder wall, which he again removed with the "Bugbee". While we were obviously hoping for another totally clear report, the urologist was actually very encouraging and said we had, in a way, come full circle and if all we were going to see was these small but high-grade recurrences, he could now recommend conventional treatment options - BCG (introducing a form of the tuberculosis bacteria into the bladder to kill off cancer cells) and suggested in his report that there was a small chance that my husband had been cured by the resection!

There is no question in our minds that 714X has been an essential component of the healing progress my husband has made thus far and we are hopeful of a full recovery with no recurrences. We plan to continue with some form of 714X regimen and to continue with the regular cystoscopy monitoring of the bladder.»

August 2011