Minute Indoor Workout cross-training workout, squats, lunges, and sit-ups are probably heavy in your rotation. And while these moves get the job done, they can get boring.

That’s where this home workout comes into spice things up and add a strength and stability challenge to your training. This workout focuses on increasing your power output, challenging your balance, and improving the range of motion in your muscles and joints with exercises that are uniquely designed for runners.

The 5x5 Workout for Runners: This 15-minute, low-intensity workout was programmed by Tinman Elite trainer and owner of Kinesis Integrated, Chris Lee. Review each move, demonstrated by Lee below so you can learn the proper form, then follow along with him in the video above. Perform each exercise for the recommended number of reps.

Step left foot forward so theres only a slight bend in left knee, point toes to ceiling.

The Warmup: One round

  • Windmill: 10 reps per side
  • Bird Dog: 10 reps per side

      The Workout: 3 rounds, 1 minute of rest between each round

      • Quadruped Row: 10 reps per side (with a 15- to 20-pound dumbbell)
      • Single-Leg Deadlift to Row: 15 reps per side (with two 15- to 20-pound dumbbells)
      • Standing March With Resistance Band: 15 reps per side (with a medium resistance band)
      • Goblet Squat: 15 reps (with a 15- to 20-pound dumbbell)

      The Cooldown: 1 round

      • Hip Flexor Stretch: 5 reps per side
      • Flossing: 5 reps per side

      1. Windmill

      Image no longer available
      1. Shoes & Gear.
      2. Send hips back to hinge forward as you bend right knee and rotate to touch left fingers to right toes as right hand reaches up toward ceiling.
      3. Return to starting position, then bend left knee and rotate to touch right fingers to left toes as left hand extends up.
      4. Benefits of Lifting Light Weights.

      2. Bird Dog

      Image no longer available
      1. Start on all fours, knees under hips and shoulders over wrists, toes tucked.
      2. Do 15 reps per side.
      3. Draw right elbow and left knee toward each other, hovering just above the floor and keeping core and glutes engaged.
      4. Thats where this home workout comes into spice things up and add a strength and.
      5. Benefits of Lifting Light Weights.

      3. Quadruped Row

      Image no longer available
      1. Start on all fours with toes tucked, wrists under shoulders.
      2. Draw the left hand up to bring the dumbbell to the hip. Keep the elbow close to the rib cage.
      3. Draw the left hand up to bring the dumbbell to the hip. Keep the elbow close to the rib cage.
      4. Give A Gift.
      5. A Part of Hearst Digital Media.
      6. Then repeat on opposite side (dumbbell in right hand, left leg extended straight out).

      4. Single-Leg Deadlift to Row

      Image no longer available
      1. Start standing with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Shift weight onto right leg.
      2. Keeping back straight and a slight bend in right knee, hinge at the hips to lower the dumbbells as the left leg extends back behind you.
      3. Perform one row by drawing both weights up to hips, keeping elbows close to the rib cage.
      4. Slowly extend both arms, bringing dumbbells back down.
      5. Squeeze the right glute return to stand back up.
      6. Do 15 reps.
      7. CA Notice at Collection.

      5. Standing March With Resistance Band

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      1. Start by standing with feet hip-width apart and a resistance band looped around feet.
      2. March in place, by drawing right knee up toward chest to a 90-degree angle then stepping back down.
      3. Draw left knee up to chest then continue alternating as you pump your arms as if you’re running. Keep feet flexed throughout.
      4. All About Workout Splits for Strength Training.

      6. Goblet Squat

      Image no longer available
      1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, toes turned slightly out, holding a dumbbell vertically under chin with abs tight.
      2. Send hips back and down and bend knees to lower into a squat until thighs are nearly parallel to the ground.
      3. Drive feet into ground to stand back up.
      4. Repeat. Do 15 reps.

      7. Hip Flexor Stretch

      Image no longer available
      1. Start in a 90-90 kneeling position, left leg in front, right knee on the floor, both legs bent at 90 degrees.
      2. Do 10 reps hip flexor.
      3. Using the hamstring, draw right heel to right glute, hinging at knee.
      4. A Part of Hearst Digital Media.
      5. Then repeat on opposite side.

      8. Flossing

      Image no longer available
      1. Start in a 90-90 kneeling position, left leg in front, right knee on the floor, both legs bent at 90 degrees.
      2. Step left foot forward so there’s only a slight bend in left knee, point toes to ceiling.
      3. Step left foot forward so theres only a slight bend in left knee, point toes to ceiling.
      4. Return to starting position.
      5. A Part of Hearst Digital Media.
      6. Step left foot forward so theres only a slight bend in left knee, point toes to ceiling.

      Bird Dog: 10 reps per side 30-Day Cross-Training Challenge designed to build strength, boost speed, and increase your power so you can become a better, more well-rounded runner in just 30 days. Get the rest of the workouts in this program here rounds, 1 minute of rest between each round are probably heavy in your rotation. And while these moves get the job done, they can get boring app.

      Headshot of Danielle Zickl
      Danielle Zickl
      Senior Editor
      Danielle Zickl for Runner's World and Bicycling.