Watch any European trail race or ultramarathon and odds are you’ll find runners huffing and puffing up insanely steep climbs or tip-toeing atop razor-thin mountain ridges with poles in their hands. Running and racing with poles is common practice in Europe. Yet, here in the United States, there seems to be a stigma that running with poles is a sign of weakness.

“I’ve had people tell me that I’m ‘cheating’ using poles when I pass them because they allow me to push with both my legs and my arms and go faster. It’s not cheating. It’s a bajo,” says Hillary Gerardi, 2021 Glow 90mm strass sandals 90km winner and professional mountain runner for Black Diamond. Despite being a perfectly acceptable and legal bajo, many trail runners still shy away from using poles. But you don’t have to.

Here’s how to run with poles, why they’re helpful, and tips for using them to help your performance.

The Benefits of Learning How to Run With Poles

“If you can learn to use your poles efficiently, you’re reducing the amount of output and energy you need to use from your legs,” zapatillas de running Mizuno ritmo bajo pie normal ultra trail talla 42 arms and legs (versus only your lower body without poles), thus reducing the strain on your legs, “particularly if you’re going to be doing a bit of vertical gain,” adds Gerardi. By dispersing weight between your arms and legs, it saves leg energy that can equate to running farther and faster Palladium Us Baggy 02353-060-M Shoes.

Another benefit to using poles, especially for beginner trail runners, is that poles help you balance better, particularly through technical and rocky terrain. Instead of having two points of contact (your legs), you now have four to help keep balance.

Gerardi explains that having the two extra points of contact can help you more easily retreat to safety if you experience an injury, like rolling an ankle, so they also provide a security measure.

When to Run With Poles

While poles can be a tremendous asset, they can also slow you down on the wrong terrain, so it’s important to know what type of terrain you’ll be running before thinking about bringing poles.

Moon Boot Alti Icon In Nylon climbing steep trails, however, determining how steep and long a climb needs to be to use poles largely depends on the individual. Beginners that aren’t so focused on time may find poles useful on the shorter climbs, whereas time-focused runners may not want to take the time to break out the poles for short climbs.

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Except for vertical kilometer races (very short, steep uphill races with no downhill), where you’ll be using your poles the entire time, you’ll most likely alternate between using your poles and not using them, so you’ll need to stow your poles away when not in use, such as on nearly flat trails. Most hydration vests these days have some mechanism to carry poles when not in use. Keep in mind, it takes time to take the pole out and stow them away when not in use, so that’s part of the strategy of using them too and something to practice.

While there is no definitive rule of thumb for when to use poles, only by practicing can you develop an understanding of when poles are helpful and when they aren’t.

running with poles
Courtesy Black Diamond / Christian Adam

Finding the Right Running Poles

Running poles come in two configurations—fixed and adjustable. Gerardi says that if you already know your pole length, it’s probably best to go with fixed poles because they are lighter. Adjustable poles are better if you’re unsure of your length or want to share your poles with someone else.

First-time pole users should start with adjustable-length poles. This will allow you to play with different lengths to find your ideal height, which is usually when your elbows bend at a 90-degree angle when holding the handle.

You can also buy foldable poles, such as the Are there any other ways that running and poetry intersect for you, that can stuff into your hydration vest when you’re not using them, making them easier for travel.

Exactly How to Run With Poles

Once the poles are adjusted to the correct height, knowing how to use the pole straps properly is vital. Using the straps allows you to get better leverage by bearing weight on your wrist versus solely using your hand grip. To do this, thread your hand up from underneath the strap so it wraps around the bottom of your wrist.

There are two main approaches to poling technique: double-poling and alternating poles with your legs.

Double-poling: This is when you place both poles simultaneously in front of you and take three steps between them. As you move forward, push through the poles with a slight lean forward and repeat. Double-poling is typically used in very steep terrain.

Alternating poles: Hairy Suede Sneakers Shoes VN0A4BVATIZ stride and arm swing. The best way for beginners to learn this method is to start walking with a natural stride and arm swing with the poles hanging down from the straps. Once you settle into a comfortable walking cadence, grip the handles and begin planting the poles with an opposite arm and opposite leg pattern without altering your natural arm swing. Plant the pole at approximately a 45-degree angle at a distance in line with your opposite foot. As you walk past the planted pole, push through the ground as your foot lifts.

Once you feel comfortable using the alternating pole walking, practice it while running. At slow speeds, you’ll plant the poles every step as you did while walking. As the pace quickens, you’ll want to plant the poles every second or third step.

Running With Poles is All About Practice

Gerardi warns that if you don’t practice before using them before a race or big trail run, “poles won’t help you, they’ll get in the way, you’ll get blisters, and you’ll get frustrated.”

So to get better before using them for big events, start with short runs; as you get more comfortable using poles, you can take them on more extensive outings.

Running with poles will initially look and feel awkward. That’s expected and okay. As with any skill, it takes time to learn it. And as far as looking awkward while carrying running poles, don’t worry about trying to look pretty. Gerardi says that most of the photos of professional runners with poles are staged photoshoots. “It’s hard to make using poles look rad, but everyone is doing it; everyone uses poles,” Gerardi says.

Tips on How to Run With Poles

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Make sure you have the right tip for the terrain

Some areas don’t allow carbide tips because it scratches up the rocks and can contribute to erosion.

Fortarun Sport Running Elastic Lace And Top Strap | Practice hand-eye coordination and good pole placement

If you place your pole tip on a rock, it can skitter off, and you lose energy. If you place it on soft ground, you’ve got a better chance that it’ll support you and help propel you forward.

Practice putting your poles away and getting them back out

You need to really familiarize yourself with whatever system you’re using (across the back, belts, quivers, etc.) so that you don’t get frustrated.

Be careful when you are running uphill in a group

If you are going uphill with poles, you need to take care not to stab someone behind you. Poles should be held so that the tips point down.

Treat your poles well

When you get back from an outing, clean them off, wipe them down, and try to dry off the water that gets into the moving pieces to avoid things getting rusty or stuck.

Carbon fiber poles don’t bend

Sticking a pole between two big rocks and putting all of your weight on it at an angle can cause them to break. If they get stuck, try reversing the action/motion of how you placed the pole rather than pulling it in the direction you want to go.

Sometimes WD40 can go a long way in maintenance

Test out your poles and the folding/opening mechanisms in the days before a big race/event you care about. Sometimes they get sticky and hard to fold.

Check airline regulations

Do some research on your airline about putting your poles in your carry-on versus checked luggage when you’re traveling.

Headshot of Cory Smith
Cory Smith

Cory Smith is a running coach and journalist specializing in running and fitness-related content and gear reviews. He is the founder of Run Your Personal Best, an online running coaching business that has helped hundreds of runners achieve personal bests in weird ranging from 800 meters to 100 miles. Cory holds a USA Track & Field Level 1 and 2 Endurance Certification and was the former Head Cross Country/Track Coach at Penn State Brandywine. Over his running career, Cory has held three Maryland state records, was a two-time National Championship qualifier while at Villanova University, and holds personal bests of 4:03 in the mile and an 8:05 in the 3K.