Finishing a run is a huge accomplishment—but push yourself a little harder than usual postrun and you’ll be on your way to your best performances.

After your next tempo run, tack on this quick finisher to the end. It only takes 15 minutes, but it’ll improve your mobility, keep your heart rate up, and help you build strength where you need it most. That way, you head out on your next run feeling faster and stronger.

How to do this workout: This moderate-intensity workout was designed by Tinman Elite coach and owner of Kinesis Integrated, Chris Lee. Review each move, demonstrated by Lee below, so you can learn the proper form, then follow along with him in the video above. Perform each exercise for the recommended number of reps.

You will need two dumbbells and a mini band to get started.

The Warmup: 1 round

  • Lunge to Rotation: 10 reps per side
  • Single-Leg Lower: 20 reps total, alternating

      The Workout: 3 Hinge hips back as you straighten the left leg and lower chest with flat back

      • Inline Lunge: 10 reps per side (with two 15- to 20-pound dumbbells)
      • How to do this workout
      • Clamshell: 15 reps per side (with a medium resistance band)
      • Renegade Row: 10 reps per side (with two 15- to 20-pound dumbbells)

      The Cooldown: 1 round

      • Races & Places
      • Flossing: 5 reps per side

      1. Lunge to Rotation

      Image no longer available
      1. Health - Injuries.
      2. Loop a mini band around legs, above knees.
      3. Hinge forward at hips and plant left hand on the ground.
      4. Health - Injuries.
      5. Bring right arm back down to frame right leg, stand back up, and return to starting position.
      6. Repeat on left side.
      7. Continue alternating for 10 reps on each side.

      2. Single-Leg Lower

      Image no longer available
      1. Lie faceup with knees bent at 90 degrees and feet flexed. Place hands on hips for support and press lower back into mat.
      2. Extend left leg down to ground, tap heel on ground, then return to starting position.
      3. Extend right leg down to ground, tap heel on ground, then return to starting position.
      4. Continue alternating for 10 reps on each side.

      3. Inline Lunge

      Image no longer available
      1. Health - Injuries, holding a dumbbell in each hand.
      2. Step right foot out in front of left foot, keeping both legs straight.
      3. Jump Rope Cardio Workouts.
      4. Then press back up to standing.
      5. Loop a mini band around legs, above knees.
      6. Then switch legs.

      4. Double-Leg Hop

      Image no longer available
      1. Health - Injuries.
      2. Danielle Zickl for Runners World and Bicycling.

      5. Clamshell

      Image no longer available

      1. Other Hearst Subscriptions.
      2. Lie on left side with knees bent to 90 degrees, resting head in left hand with right hand on outer glute to feel it engage.
      3. Rotate right knee up toward ceiling, keeping both feet together.
      4. Master the Half.
      5. Then switch sides.

      6. Renegade Row

      Image no longer available
      1. Start in a high plank position with dumbbells in hand, wrists under shoulders, core engaged, and legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
      2. Step right foot forward and bend knees to drop into a lunge.
      3. The Many Benefits of Rucking for Runnners.
      4. Repeat, pulling the left hand up to bring the dumbbell to the hip.
      5. Continue alternating for 10 reps on each side, without letting hips dip or pike.

      7. Thoracic Opener

      Image no longer available
      1. Jump Rope Cardio Workouts.
      2. and youll be on your way to your best performances.
      3. Bring left arm straight out in front of you then up toward ceiling, then circle it around behind you as you rotate torso to the left. Head should follow arm.
      4. Continue rotating arm in this circular motion for 5 reps.
      5. An 18-Minute Plyometric Strength Workout.

      8. Flossing

      Image no longer available
      1. Start in a 90-90 half-kneeling position, left leg in front, right knee on the floor, both legs bent at 90 degrees.
      2. Step left foot forward so there’s only a slight bend in left knee, point toes to ceiling.
      3. Hinge hips back as you straighten the left leg and lower chest with flat back.
      4. Return to starting position.
      5. Tinman Elite trainer Chris Lee leads you through this workout that boosts running speed and power.
      6. Double-Leg Hop: 15 reps per side.

      This workout is part of the 30-The Many Benefits of Rucking for Runnners designed to build strength, boost speed, and increase your power so you can become a better, more well-rounded runner in just 30 days. Get the rest of the workouts in this program here or on the Health & Injuries app.

      Headshot of Danielle Zickl
      Danielle Zickl
      Senior Editor
      Danielle Zickl for Runner's World and Bicycling.