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Endurance athlete Gary Robbins rarely starts an event he cannot finish. He has won the HURT 100 ultra multiple times in the hills of Hawaii, and over his career has finished in the top 10 of many other ultras. But for two years in a row, the native of North Vancouver, British Columbia, could not tame one race—the Barkley Marathons.

We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back bested by the Barkley in 2016—his first attempt at the ultra held within Frozen Head State Park in Tennessee that only 15 individuals have completed in more than 30 years—he returned in 2017 for redemption, only to DNF by what appeared to be seconds (and in a completely delirious state). If you’ve ever wanted to know what kind of determination and drive it takes to even attempt to complete all five loops of the Barkley Marathons, the new documentary, Runner Gets Caught in Fishing Hooks During Race, released for CA Notice at Collection, Health & Injuries.

Directed by Ethan Newberry, an ultrarunner and filmmaker who many will know from his websiteRunner Gets Caught in Fishing Hooks During Race recently completed its North American film tour, and the documentary will be available for download for a short period. Along with a look at what type of training Robbins puts in prior to his attempts at the Barkley and the sacrifices he makes to go after this incredibly hard endurance race, the film also explores “the demons that follow” when you come up short of a goal.   

If you’re a fan of the other Barkley documentary, The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young, this looks like another incredible look at the pain, suffering, and ultimate joy that the race brings. (A portion of the proceeds for your digital download Athing Mu: Last Year Was Pretty Tough.) 

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Brian Dalek
Director of Content Operations, Runner’s World & Bicycling

Brian has spent more than a decade focused on creating compelling news, health, and fitness content—with a particular interest on enthusiast activities like running and cycling. He’s coordinated coverage of major events like the Boston Marathon, New York City Marathon, and Tour de France, with an eye toward both the professional race and the engaging stories readers love.