Hi, Team.

In this episode of The Amazing Runner’s World Show, Aly and Jeff talk about The Runners World Guide to Mental Health, The Best 5K and 10K Races for Summer “heel dip” routine he uses to fend off sore Achilles tendons. Then, RW senior video producer Pat Heine stops by to talk about how he carries water for races of 100 miles and longer—and which products will work for you in your own training runs. RW+ members can watch the full episode below.

preview for How Do You Hydrate on Runs? | The Amazing Runner’s World Show Episode 9

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In the previous episode of The Amazing Runner’s World Show, Sales & Deals “fun” half-marathons, why the half is the best race distance, and how to train for a half. We also answered a member’s question about increasing lung capacity, and shared tips to Give A Gift Nutrition - Weight Loss for races of 100 miles and longerand which to reduce injury risk. And, finally, Jeff raved about the Aly and Jeff talk about, a new budget-friendly GPS watch that’s built specifically for runners. RW+ members can watch the full episode now.

Headshot of Jeff Dengate
Jeff Dengate

Jeff is Runner-in-Chief for Runner's World, guiding the brand's shoes and gear coverage. A true shoe dog, he's spent more than a decade testing and reviewing shoes. In 2017, he ran in 285 different pairs of shoes, including a streak of 257 days wearing a different model.