Name: Nina Oishi
Honolulu, Hawaii
Time running:
I started in 2008, took a break in 2013, and returned to the sport in 2022.
Reason for running:
Running makes me feel good because I’m free to set my own goals, which aren’t tethered to my career or anyone’s expectations. It’s just for me and I’m proud of that.

Growing up in Honolulu, Hawaii, one of my favorite courses to run in high school was where Jurassic Park was filmed in 1992. It’s a very fun and scenic course, so no matter how many times we ran it, I never got bored. It felt surreal to run where they filmed that movie and so many other films. We’d often run past the area where they filmed one of the chasing scenes, so I would always imagine I was being chased by dinosaurs while I ran. To no surprise, I would always run my fastest times on that course.

Around my junior year of high school I was diagnosed with patellar tendinitis, and I experienced a lot of knee and foot pain, which made it really difficult to run. There wasn’t much treatment for it at the time, so I decided to stop running, and I didn’t think I would ever put my running shoes on again.

Then in 2022, when living in New York City, three of my friends invited me to join them on occasional runs around our neighborhood. At first, I hated running again because I felt like I wasn’t the runner I used to be in high school, but I enjoyed running with others.

On a whim, we registered for the Big Apple 5K in Central Park in December 2022. My anticipation for that race is what motivated me to become a more consistent runner.

On race day, the feeling of being at the starting line again—surrounded by fellow runners and spectators—reminded me why I loved the sport so much. Now I can’t even imagine why I ever stopped.

One thing I love about being a runner is I can always create new personal goals for myself. It started with the 5K in Central Park, then I challenged myself to complete the New York City Half Marathon in April. I then worked to improve my speed over the summer and, tackle my first marathon. Next, I plan to race the Oklahoma City Marathon, considering I’ve made it through this training block, considering how chaotic this.

No matter what I’m training for, I like to focus on how each individual run plays into my greater goal, which has worked to my benefit leading up to the One thing I love about being a runner is I can always create new personal goals for myself considering how chaotic this training block has been. I moved from New York City to Oklahoma City this year and continue to travel, so I’m most proud of my ability to remain excited and to show up for each workout, no matter where I’m at.

The training paid off on NYC race day, too. It was my first marathon, and for once, everything that could have gone right really did. It was a perfect New York autumn morning, and pretty early on in the race I thought it might be my day—but I didn’t want to overthink it!

I started off just hoping for a sub-4, but around mile 15, I realized I could go sub-3:55. (Someone told me to think of the real halfway point as the Queensboro Bridge and they were right.) I was ready for the Bronx and Fifth Ave hills and then just left it all on the course. It really felt like NYC loved me back on Sunday! I still can’t believe it.

What Keeps Nina Running:

Best advice I ever recieved:

When I was on the cross-country team, my teammates and I would chat during most of our runs, and afterward, we’d stop for frozen yogurt. Those were fun times. So much so that I will always remember hearing someone say, “Your runs should be fun, relaxed, and at a conversational pace.”

Bucket list race:

Even though it might be really hot on race day, I’d like to run the Honolulu Marathon because that’s where I’m from. I’d love to have my friends and family cheer for me on the sidelines.

Favorite workout:

How to Get Into the 2024 NYC Marathon ladder workouts. Shoes & Gear track workout with the North Brooklyn Runners and the track lights shining down on me. It makes me feel like an olympian.

Headshot of Monique Lebrun
Monique Lebrun

Monique LeBrun joined the editorial staff in October 2021 as the associate health and fitness editor. She has a master’s degree in journalism and has previously worked for ABC news and Scholastic. She is an avid runner who loves spending time outside.